Monday, July 13, 2009

campus just counting down the day

juli.. 13.. ngga kerasa bulan ini udah mau nyampe di tengah-tengahnya.. wuaw.. cepet banget ya?.. beberapa minggu lagi, kegiatan dasar kampus udah mulai berjalan.. just get an information kalo pembayaran dimulai tanggal 28 dan mulai diauto debit deket-deket itu. pendaftaran krs mulai tanggal 11 agustus kalo ngga ada halangan ato perubahan jadwal.. erghh.. mulai lagi deh rutinitas beginian. yayaya gw ngga ke kampus untuk daftar wisuda, tapi masi daftar kuliah.. that's okay, i'm fine with that since i trouble myself with 'failed' back there.. okay actually it's not all my fault. who knows there's an accident at the highway that makes me late and receive 'get out..!' sign from my lecturer.. screw you sir, who want to be in your class anyway.. man, he fail me twice, what could i ask more? is he hate me or something? or just randomly kicked me out? pointless ngomongin tu dosen.. like he even care juga.. cuek bgt jadi orang.. actually he's a great man.. no, seriously.. he's smart, way smarter than me (of course).. but his ego, really get into everybody's nerve.

after Melbourne plan canceled, sepertinya gw akan spending my time ngerjain tugas akhir.. much more serious, much more fast.. banyak banget ide-ide yang gw anggep brilian.. well.. not so brilliant, just almost to be brilliant. anyway, yea banyak ide-ide hampir brilian yang gw punya.. mind mapping? wo-ho i can make a novel with it.. no, it's lebay. percaya ngga klo william clark toto tu adalah number one source of inspiration.. haha gw yakin pasti pada percaya.. belakangan ini saat gw lagi mendatangi tempat itu, ide-ide semi brilian yang kasar muncul.. dan gw seneng banget.. sampe lupa sebenernya tujuan gw ke sana ngapain.. kyny gw ke sana harus bawa notepad kli ya..

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